Following the publication of the “Mobile Initiated SEPA (Instant) Credit Transfer Interoperability Guidance” (MSCT IG – EPC269-19v1.0) document in November 2019, the ad-hoc multi-stakeholder group on MSCTs (MSG MSCT) has conducted a more detailed analysis on the technical interoperability of MSCTs based on payer-presented data. This new document focuses on the interconnectivity and related functionality needed amongst MSCT service providers to enable interoperability of MSCTs across the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). More in particular, the process flow has been analysed for MSCTs based on consumer-presented data containing a token for a consumer-to-business (C2B) payment. The document also defines the minimum data set to be exchanged between the payer and the payee and in the payment request messages to enable the initiation of such an MSCT by the payer. It further derives from this set a standard QR-code format. The document also describes in an annex new illustrative MSCT use cases for the C2B payment context based on consumer-presented data, in addition to those already included in the MSCT Interoperability Guidance (IG).
In order to collect industry opinion and feedback on this new work, the MSG MSCT launched end May 2020 an eight-week public consultation on the final draft version of the document. During the past months, the MSG MSCT analysed the various comments received through this consultation and prepared an updated version of the document reflecting the appropriate changes requested. It is to be noted that the document should be read in conjunction with the MSCT IG (EPC 269-19v1.0).