The EPC appointed Sopra Steria Group as Homologation body for the SRTP...

The EPC appointed Sopra Steria Group as Homologation body for the SRTP scheme

09 September 21

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As part of the launch of the new SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) scheme and following the publication of its first rulebook on 30 November 2020 and of a dedicated Request for Proposal (RfP), the European Payments Council (EPC) selected the homologation body to which the EPC outsources the homologation of applicants to the SRTP scheme.

The Sopra Steria Group and its subsidiary Galitt are the Homologation Body officially mandated by the EPC for the new SRTP scheme.

The Sopra Steria Group and Galitt will act as the independent homologation body for the accreditation of the applicants to the SRTP scheme, in order to ensure that the applicants to the SRTP Scheme have the required technical, operational, security and business continuity capabilities necessary to deploy the SRTP scheme in compliance with the SRTP rulebook.


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