Public consultation on Technical Interoperability of MSCTs based on pa...

Public consultation on Technical Interoperability of MSCTs based on payer-presented data

28 May 20

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The ad-hoc multi-stakeholder group on Mobile Initiated SEPA (Instant) Credit Transfers, (MSG MSCT), which is facilitated by the European Payments Council (EPC) has conducted through a newly established dedicated work-stream, a more detailed analysis of the technical interoperability of MSCTs based on payer-presented data document and launches today the public consultation on this document.

This document describes new illustrative MSCT use cases for the Customer-to-Business (C2B) payment context based on consumer-presented data, in addition to those already included in the “Mobile Initiated SEPA (Instant) Credit Transfer Interoperability Guidance” (MSCT IG). Furthermore, the document focuses on the interconnectivity and related functionality needed amongst MSCT service providers to enable interoperability for MSCT use cases based on payer-presented data (e.g. through a QR-code). The document also defines the minimum data set to be exchanged between the payer and the payee and in the payment request messages to enable the initiation of such an MSCT by the payer.

The multi-stakeholder group values your opinion and welcomes any feedback and comments that you may have regarding the document, using the dedicated questionnaire (MSG MSCT 041-20v1.0). 

Stakeholders wishing to participate can do so using the dedicated questionnaire (see in “related documents”) and sending it to [email protected] by 24 July 2020.

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