The EPC issues implementation guidelines (IGs) that are based on the ISO 20022 standard for the customer-to-PSP (C2PSP) space as well as the inter-PSP space. In addition, the EPC also provides recommendations on ISO 20022 PSP-to-customer (PSP2C) account information, which represent the third and final link in the chain.
The aim of this document is to present a mapping of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) rulebook requirements vis-à-vis the ‘Transaction Details’ message elements of the ISO 20022 reporting messages.
The version from 2019 has been amended to be in line with various changes (e.g., attribute renumbering and migration to the 2019 message version of the ISO 20022 standard) made in the 2023 SEPA payment scheme rulebooks and related implementation guidelines. It also applies to the 2025 SEPA payment scheme rulebooks entering to force on 5 October 2025.