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The SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) scheme covers the set of operating rules and technical elements (including messages) that allow a Payee to request the initiation of a payment from a Payer in a wide range of physical or online use cases. 

The RTP is a messaging functionality. It is not a payment means or a payment instrument, but a way to request a payment initiation. 

The scheme can be considered as a complement to the payment flow because it supports the end-to-end process and lies between an underlying commercial transaction and the payment itself. An RTP as such can be seen as an enabler for digital payments.

SRTP visual


SRTP Scheme evolution calendar: 

  • November 2024
    Publication of the SRTP Scheme Rulebook (version 4.0)
  • April 2025
    Publication of the SRTP Implementation Guidelines and API specifications (version 4.0)