Following the publication of the original document Standardisation and governance of QR1-codes for Instant Payments at the Point of Interaction (IPs at the POI, EPC212-21v1.0), the multi-stakeholder group on mobile initiated SEPA (instant) credit transfers (MSG MSCT) prepared a document on the Standardisation of QR-codes for MSCTs in 2022, which was published in January 2023.
The document standardises a payee and a payer-presented QR-code for all types of MSCTs, i.e. for all payment contexts: person-to-person (P2P), consumer-to-business (C2B) and business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C), while addressing both SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) and SCT payments. The MSG MSCT leveraged the document Standardisation and governance of QR-codes for IPs at the POI (EPC212-21), which they developed in 2021 to address the request made by the Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB) to the European Payments Council (EPC) in their Statement of June 2021 (ERPB/2021/012). In addition, the document contains a chapter devoted to the security aspects of the data contained in the QR-codes.
The document also takes into account the answers received from the European Banking Authority (EBA) on the EBA Q&A 2020_5476 and 2020_5477 and addresses Recommendation A included in the ERPB Statement published in November 2021 (ERPB/2021/028).
Over the past few months, the MSG MSCT prepared an updated version of the document. This new version includes editorial changes and updates to the documents referenced. Moreover, the new version better clarifies that the specified QR-code format may not only be used within an interoperability framework between schemes for MSCTs but by any payment scheme or payment solution (not necessarily based on SCT instant or SCT) wishing to create interoperability amongst their payment service providers for the exchange of data between the payer and the payee to enable the payment initiation. It should be noted that the document is not aimed to provide an implementation specification; this is left at the discretion of said interoperability framework for MSCTs, payment scheme or payment solution.
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