
Overview public consultation comments on the extension of SCA related sections in version 1.0 of the SPAA scheme rulebook

On 16 December 2022, the European Payments Council (EPC) launched a three-month public consultation on the extension of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) related sections in version 1.0 of the SEPA Payment Account Access (SPAA) scheme rulebook. By the deadline of 15 March 2023, the EPC received more than 70 comments from eight different market participants.

The overview document, which includes the public consultation comments received as well as the related responses from the SPAA Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG), can be downloaded below. For each comment it is indicated (in column “Release”) whether it i) has been incorporated in version 1.1 of the SPAA scheme rulebook, ii) cannot be included (or has no impact) or iii) can be revisited as part of a future release. 

Version 1.1 of the SPAA scheme rulebook which was published on 26 June 2023 will come into effect on 30 November 2023.

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