
2021 SEPA Credit Transfer rulebook version 1.3

On 14 November 2023, the European Payments Council (EPC) published the updated version 1.3 of the 2021 SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) rulebook. Version 1.3 has no specific impact on business and operational rules as stated in versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 of the 2021 SCT rulebook.

The only material change to version 1.3 of the 2021 SCT rulebook is the replacement of the SEPA Payment Scheme Management Rules version 4.5 with the EPC Payment Scheme Management Rules version 5.0.

The reason is that as of 28 November 2023, version 5.0 of these Rules will apply to all four SEPA payment schemes (including the SCT scheme) and to the One-Leg Out Instant Credit Transfer (OCT Inst) scheme which is formally launched on that same date.

The 2021 SCT rulebook version 1.3 enters into force on 28 November 2023 and remains in effect up to and including 16 March 2024. Annex IV of the 2021 SCT rulebook version 1.3 lists all changes compared to the versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 of the 2021 SCT rulebook.

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