In December 2021, the European Payments Council (EPC) published the updated version 1.1 of the 2021 SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) Business-to-Business (B2B) rulebook. The version 1.1 has no specific impact on the business and operational rules compared to the version 1.0 of the 2021 SDD B2B rulebook.
The version 1.1 of the 2021 SDD B2B rulebook includes an updated version of the SEPA Payment Scheme Management Rules. These rules now reflect the disbandment of the Scheme End-User Forum (SEUF) and the EPC Scheme Technical Forum (ESTF), and the creation of the Scheme End-User Multi-Stakeholder Group (SEU MSG) and of the Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG) at the start of 2022. Further information about the SEU MSG and the STP MSG can be found in section 4.4 ‘EPC Stakeholder Fora’ of the SEPA Payment Scheme Management Rules.
The 2021 SDD B2B rulebook version 1.1 entered into force on 11 January 2022 and remains in effect up to and including 24 April 2023. Annex IV of the 2021 SDD B2B rulebook version 1.1 lists all changes compared to the version 1.0 of the 2021 SDD B2B rulebook.