2020 Payment Threats And Fraud Trends Report

2020 Payment Threats And Fraud Trends Report

07 December 20

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The European Payments Council (EPC) is committed to contribute to safe, reliable, efficient, convenient, economically balanced and sustainable payments, which meet the needs of payment service users and support the goals of competitiveness and innovation in an integrated European economy. For this reason, the EPC publishes the yearly “Payment Threat and Fraud Trends Report” to contribute to creating awareness on payment threats and fraud trends, and to help payment stakeholders decide on proper actions to prevent fraud.

The document provides an overview of the most important threats and other “fraud enablers” in the payments landscape, including social engineering and phishing, malware, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), (Distributed) Denial of Service ((D)DoS), botnets and monetisation channels. For each threat, an analysis is made on the impact and context and suggested controls and mitigations are described.

This yearly report prepared by the EPC and publicly released for the fourth time, will be helpful to any professional wishing to learn more about common and emerging payment threats and fraud trends.

Read more in ‘Related Documents’.

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