Results of the EPC poll on proximity technology at the physical point ...

Results of the EPC poll on proximity technology at the physical point of interaction

07 June 22

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During the past two months, the European Payments Council (EPC) invited professionals working in the payments industry to answer the following question: “In your opinion, which proximity technology will see the largest adoption for instant payments at the physical point of interaction in the coming 5 years?”
The results were as follows: 


The results show a wide range of opinions, but it is however worth highlighting two leading answers: more than half of the voters (52%) agreed that near-field communication (NFC) as well as nearly a third agreed that merchant-presented Quick Response (QR)-codes (32%) will see the largest adoption for instant payments at the physical point of interaction in the coming 5 years. The remaining voters choose consumer-presented QR-codes (9%) and the last 6% of voters choose equally Bluetooth low energy (BLE) (3%) and other (3%). 

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