Users are authorised to view, download and make available the Register data published on this webpage as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it is supplied. The Register data as such, in whole or in part, may not be exploited commercially, except when it is part of a broader offer, for example by enriching the Register data with additional data or by expanding the data with other sources in order to create a more useful dataset, eg by adding extra columns or identifiers. Users must give appropriate credit to the EPC as source of the Register data, and indicate if changes were made. This may be done in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the EPC endorses the user or its use.
The Registers are available for download in different formats. Click on the appropriate icon of the format required to begin the download.
Please check as well the evolution files attached under the different schemes for a summary of changes in this version of the Register. The three download files (.xml, .csv, .pdf) are produced automatically from the database of Participants, the evolution documents have been produced manually by EPC.