The Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG) is a dialogue channel between the European Payments Council (EPC) and representatives of technical players who provide services facilitating the processing of transactions under the EPC payment schemes and payment-related schemes.

The STP MSG held its fifth meeting on 6 March 2024. The approved agenda and minutes are available on this page.

The main topics of the meeting concerned: 

  • the formal presentation of new STP MSG members to each other due to the biennial re-composition process of the MSG for a new two-year mandate as of 2024, and the election of the STP MSG co-Chair for this mandate;
  • the postponement of the scheduled migration of all ISO 20022 standard-based XML payment messages defined under the four Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) payment schemes to the 2019 version of the ISO 20022 standard to 17 March 2024, and relevant Payment Service Provider (PSP) communication on individual and national basis;
  • the 2024 rulebook change management cycle and the change requests received for the five EPC payment schemes and for the SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) scheme;
  • the impact of the Instant Payments Regulation (IPR) on the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme;
  • the current state of play regarding the One-Leg Out Instant Credit Transfer (OCT Inst) scheme;
  • the current state of play regarding the Verification Of Payee (VOP) scheme, including the development of Application Programming Interface (API) specifications for the VOP scheme, the EPC Directory Service (EDS) and its upcoming Request-for-Proposal; 
  • the future of the SEPA Proxy Lookup (SPL) scheme.

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