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Dialogue with stakeholders

The evolution of the EPC schemes is organised in close collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders in order to truly reflect market needs. 

Dialogue with stakeholders

Any stakeholder can participate in the EPC payment scheme change-management process organised by the EPC, and the EPC also conducts a dialogue with stakeholders in formal bodies. The EPC is also involved in other stakeholder initiatives, which contribute to payments standardisation, though they are not directly related to the schemes.

Dialogue with stakeholders: the ERPB

The Euro Retail Payments Board

One such external body is the Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB). The ERPB is a high-level body chaired by the European Central Bank, bringing together the supply and demand sides of the industry to address strategic retail payments issues. Major topics impacting the EPC SEPA payment schemes can be discussed at the ERPB.

EPC Multi-Stakeholder Groups
To further enhance the involvement of end-users and of technical players supporting the EPC payment schemes and payment-related schemes, the EPC created two multi-stakeholder groups:

The Scheme End-User Multi-Stakeholder Group (SEU MSG)

The SEU MSG is formed by representatives of European associations of end-users of the EPC payment schemes and payment-related schemes, such as consumers, corporate treasurers, e-merchants and retailers.

Terms of Reference of the SEU MSG

Membership list of the SEU MSG

The Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG)

The STP MSG is made up of the representatives of technical players who provide services facilitating the processing of transactions under the EPC payment schemes and payment-related schemes. Members of this group include, for example, Clearing and Settlement Mechanism organisations, technical solution providers and  messaging services companies.

Terms of Reference of the STP MSG

Membership list of the STP MSG

The EPC regularly involves these groups in the evolution of the EPC payment schemes and payment-related schemes. These groups have an active part to play as they can address issues and make recommendations to the EPC. The EPC publishes their positions and comments on the change requests that were subject to a public consultation.

The SEU MSG and STP MSG are renewed on a two-yearly basis, starting from their creation in January 2022.

There are still vacant seats among some categories within the SEU MSG and the STP MSG. Further information about the criteria to be a candidate, and how to apply for membership, is available in the Terms of Reference pages of the SEU MSG and the STP MSG.

Further information about these groups, summaries of their past meetings, and their positions on the latest public consultations on the EPC scheme rulebooks are available via the following links:

Read more about the SEU MSG
Read more about the STP MSG