The European Payments Council (EPC) announces that effective as of today, any technical solution provider (TSP) may undergo a SEPA Request to Pay (SRTP) homologation. A duly homologated TSP will become a “Referenced Technical Solution Provider” (RTSP) and feature on a list published on the EPC website. The SRTP scheme applicants that will be using a RTSP will be eligible for a simplified homologation.
About the SRTP homologation
In addition to the standard homologation and the simplified homologation for the applicants that have already gone through a relevant formal authorisation/licensing process, and/or are subject to specific regulatory/supervisory requirements, two new homologation types are launched:
- the simplified B homologation for the applicants that are using a RTSP
- the simplified A+B homologation for the applicants that have already gone through a relevant formal authorisation/licensing process, and/or are subject to specific regulatory/supervisory requirements and are using a RTSP.
Read more in Toolkit for new SEPA Request-to-pay (SRTP) scheme participants page.
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